Saturday 25 February 2017


Piccolo Jr. (Pikkoro Junia), also known as Ma Junior, is a Namekian and also the final child and reincarnation of the Demon King Piccolo, later becoming the reunification of the Nameless Namekian after fusing with Kami. According to Grand Elder Guru, Piccolo, along with Kami and King Piccolo, are part of the Dragon Clan, who were the original creators of the Dragon Balls. A wise, expert strategist who was originally a ruthless enemy of Goku, Piccolo later becomes a permanent member of the Z Fighters, largely due to forming a close bond with Goku's first-born son Gohan after training him in preparation for the impending arrival of the Saiyans and other future threats. When Piccolo Jr. is introduced, he appears to be tall though slightly thinner and a bit shorter than King Piccolo, with a more solid facial structure (lacking the large cheekbones and a humanly-shaped nose). Piccolo only has four fingers in the Dragon Ball manga, but five in the anime series. During the fight between him and Goku in Dragon Ball, as well as on the fight with Raditz when he loses his arm, Piccolo is seen with red blood. But later in the series, he bleeds purple blood when wounded or killed. Piccolo Jr.'s outfit when he was a kid is very similar to the one King Piccolo is first seen wearing, with the same color scheme shown on the Kanzenban manga covers. From the time he is a young adult onward, Piccolo wears a dark purplish blue gi with a sky blue obi (red in the manga).

When not fighting seriously, Piccolo also wears a white turban and a white cape along with it. Like Goku, Piccolo generally wears and trains with Weighted clothing. The cape itself is not weighted, but there is weighted padding underneath; this is seen twice in the series: when his cape is damaged while fighting Frieza in his second form, and when it is damaged by Lord Slug's henchmen. As the series went on, Piccolo Jr.'s outfit became more his own and by the time he faced the Androids. The outfit's neckline become more low-cut like Goku's outfit, minus Goku's own undershirt. In the manga, many of the movies, and certain video games (Supersonic Warriors 2 and Super Dragon Ball Z), Piccolo wears a red obi rather than a sky blue one. Even though Piccolo Jr. discards his old symbol, he uses it once in the series when he made his pupil Gohan a uniform after his previous outfit was torn in a Great Ape transformation. In a filler episode in the anime, when both of them are forced by Goku's wife Chi-Chi to go to driving school, Piccolo wears an old outfit of Goku, which he despised wearing. Piccolo is often shown to possess a very cold, grumpy and sometimes bitter attitude, preferring solitude to the company of others. Piccolo is shown to be very wise and strategic in battle, devising plans and finding weaknesses in his enemies. During the early stages of his life, he possessed many of the villainous properties of his father, such as a violent and destructive nature and a total disregard for humanity. This was shown during his battle with Goku in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, where he shows almost no mercy or compassion for his opponent, breaking all of Goku's limbs while laughing sadistically, believing it was necessary after what Goku had done to his father. Despite this, he did possess some sense of good, having once saved a mother and daughter from debris during a storm. Later, when he and Goku team up to battle Raditz, Piccolo began to show more honor during battle, even commemorating Goku on his noble sacrifice despite still considering him an enemy and during the battle against Nappa, praised the other Z Fighters' bravery and tactics. Piccolo has also shown traits of pragmatism, teaming up with his archrival Goku and later the rest of the Z Fighters when the threat of the Saiyans proves to be too much for him alone, citing the aliens' defeat as a shared goal.

Despite his gradual shift toward a more heroic attitude, Piccolo still can be rude and confrontational toward people he deems stupid and is extremely direct and honest when giving his opinions about a situation or an individual, even if they may be considered extremely derogatory. After he trains and befriends Goku's young son, Gohan, Piccolo's heart and motives quickly begin to change as the boy takes his time to talk with Piccolo and have normal discussions that do not result in a violent outbreak. Gohan even comments on this, telling Piccolo that he seems to be more grumpy than truly evil. During the battle with Nappa, Piccolo goes as far as to sacrifice his life to save Gohan, stating how his friendship and love had changed him forever. Piccolo has stated that Gohan was the first person to see him not as a monster and was proud to call him his friend, even going as far as to admit that Gohan is like the son he never had in one of the dubs. From this point on, he truly befriends the Z Fighters, rather than simply allying with them out of necessity. Upon his return during the battle with Frieza on Namek and after fusing with the Namekian warrior Nail, Piccolo fights for the honor of his people and to save the innocent. Shortly before this when he sensed Nail's dying ki, he made a comment how that had better not be Gohan's. After being teleported from the self-destructing Planet Namek and learning of Goku's intentions, Piccolo noted he would have preferred to fight alongside the noble warrior to the end. During the Androids Saga, Piccolo still retains elements of ruthlessness and cockiness, but once he fuses with Kami, all traces of evil and hate disappear and Piccolo is completely reborn as a pure soul. He becomes much more compassionate to the lives of others, as shown by how he tried to get Cell to spare the man in Ginger Town. Although one trait he retains even after merging with Kami, is he prefers to be a loner and favors solitude over the presence of others. He has little to say unless it involves battle and does not seem to understand the concept of romance, referring to it as "mushy stuff". As Piccolo carries on in life, he becomes slightly more relaxed and joyful, which simultaneously made it easier to stress and annoy him, especially during the Buu Saga, but he normally can still retain his stoic and calm personality if required to not show fear in the face of an enemy. He would partake and enjoy various parties and social events, including Bulma's birthday and Gohan's wedding. Even more, in Dragon Ball Super, Piccolo's kindness continued to show, displaying a gentler and nurturing side, helping in the raising of Pan, showing a very efficient job of it as he had a whole list set up on what to do for the baby. Piccolo is frequently seen meditating in quiet places and drinking thawed ice water in the north area.[3] He is also quite observant. This was shown when Trunks and Goten failed to fuse properly, twice, and he was able to precisely work out what minute details went wrong when they executed the fusion dance.

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